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Full Moon Ritual in Virgo
Victoria Bailey
March 18 2022 • Duration: 58 Minutes
This full moon where Pisces and Virgo meet 🌕 the last full moon in the astrological year means the perfect time to leave the past behind us and decide to take only the wisdom and dreams we desire into the future.

Water + Earth = Growth

This Virgo moon is calling for you to cleanse + purify more than most full moons. To look at your health + wellbeing in greater detail.

Virgo is deeply connected to Mother Earth and this moon asks us to see her as our way to healing. Natural healing + medicine.

She asks us to connect deeper to our own roots and draw on our own strength to support ourselves.

Nurturing our own fertile soil with nourishing + cleansing water (from pisces).

We take the time to cleanse and restore but to also celebrate the achievements big or small with Luna cycle.