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Full Moon Ritual in Libra
Victoria Bailey
April 20 2022 • Duration: 1 Hour, 6 Minutes
Full moon in Libra

We connected to our breath using Brahmari to buzzing into each chakra to add extra depth to the air element of Libra and how it resonates in each point. The relationship we have in the moment with each chakra, I find this insightful every time!

This time I found so much awareness + lose of connection at the root, how deeply the sound is and how connecting to that sound in particular reminded me of the sounds of labour (giving birth) which is not so surprising when consciously thinking about it. It provided me with so much insight to what current state my body is in, in that moment and what I am to work with.

We shone moonlight on the relationship we hold with ourselves, what we can celebrate + the stories which hold us back.

We witnessed any other relationships we needed to nurture or which needed to be released.

Felt all the emotions.