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New Moon Ritual in Taurus
Victoria Bailey
April 29 2022 • Duration: 1 Hour, 5 Minutes
New Moon in Taurus

The energy of abundance, self-worth and stability steps into the lime light and being the highest of the Earth signs, I believe it’s no coincidence that the celebrate of Earth Day within this time o f Taurus or perhaps its just a coincidence as the world is bursting into life. In the last week all the trees in our garden have exploded with leaves.

This New Moon is also within the first Solar Eclipse making this the ultimate time to release old thought patterns especially around abundance within our life and look to start fresh. A Solar Eclipse is like a Super New Moon to ground our energy, help us get clear on our dreams and our self worth to make those dreams a reality.
Taurus is a fixed Earth sign and asks us to see the abundance of Mother Earth, Beltane also falls in the few days of a new moon which celebrates the fertility of the land.

Taurus is also the sign for abundance, so right now focus on where you are currently abundant and where you would like to be even more abundant in life as well as for our beloved earth.

It is a good time to ask yourself. What are your dreams for the world you wish to live in? This could include the society in which you are living in.

How do you want to show up to support Mother Earth and in turn seeing yourself and her thrive because of it.

This is a really amazing opportunity for each and everyone of us to connect and manifest from a space of love and healing for the world we wish to see in the future, for the true abundance the world needs to thrive 🌍

Other questions you may like to ask yourself, ponder and reflect on are…

What does abundance mean to me?
How do you see my life as abundant?
What are my beliefs on my worth and values?
How do I value Mother Earth and what she provides for me?