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Full Moon in Scorpio
Victoria Bailey
May 16 2022 • Duration: 1 Hour, 10 Minutes
The Full Moon Ceremony

Full Moon - in Scorpio (Where Taurus + Scorpio meet) Earth + Water.

When the moon is full, we are naturally at our most energised, overwhelmed or wild. The Full Moon is a time for us to tap into our power and to celebrate how far we’ve come. This ceremony is for you if you need empowerment, to uplift yourself and to feel good in the presence of others.

We will connect to the moon's energy, share together some beautiful Pranayama (breathwork).

Cleanse and detox our space and sacred energy.

We close by using the celebrational energy of the full moon to acknowledge our achievements, ourselves and all of our blessings including the great power or the full moon.

As your teacher, you’ll be lovingly guided every step of the way- no worries if you’ve never been to a moon ceremony before!

I’m passionate about bringing groups of women together to create a beautiful, supportive, and nurturing space.

My moon ceremonies are simply a time for you to enjoy the gentle presence of stillness, and carve out that time for yourself - you are more than worth it!

Under the moon, we celebrate our sacred feminine power.
Hope to see you soon gorgeous soul.

What you will need
Journal + Pen - Optional crayons, paints etc.
Something to burn - incense, sage, rosemary, lavander.
Comfortable Place (to be and sit)
Headphones or own music playing in the background of you home.

Additional Optional
Altar - with items to represent the four directions or sacred objects

Water Elixir Ritual💧
Glass Jar
Water - ideally cleansed
Crystals (if a crystal was used in New Moon Taurus Ritual use this one)
Optionals Oils - perhaps wild orange.