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New Moon in Gemini
Victoria Bailey
May 31 2022 • Duration: 1 Hour
New Moon in Gemini Online Ritual

New moons are the start of a new lunar cycle and represent new beginnings.

This new moon asks you to speak and write from your truth; from your heart. This air energy is all about how we communicate with ourselves, others and the universe.

What you say, how you say it matters, it can heal or it can harm.

What you think and how you think matters, it can heal or it can harm.

As with all new moons it is about new beginnings, a clean slate and a time to refocus your energy.

This is the perfect new moon for connecting, expanding and cherishing your social circle, opportunity manifesting your soul tribe, bring around the people who lift you up, who give you all the feels and joys of life.

The people who we surround ourselves with is vital for our own energy and growth.

This Gemini moon is also an opportunity to revisit your dreams and see what is still relevant, what you have outgrown, what habits and beliefs are outdated and what is going to propel you forwards to making your dreams a reality.

Manifest with me under the moon, Gemini Airs energy is backing you.

In this guided ritual together we

Cleanse our aura and space
Welcome the energies we are working with into space
Perform a air feather ritual
Close ceremony

'The Gift of Air' by Glennie Kindred

We are Air,

The uniting and connecting

force that gives us life.

We are the beginning.

We are limitless possibility and

infinite potential

and we are the seed, the egg, in waiting.

We are the great conspiracy.

The power of our united thoughts,

words and beliefs to create change

in the world and in our lives.

Through our breath we are all connected,

the world of nature,plants, animals, trees,

nations, friends and enemies alike.

My breath is your breath is our breath

through all the generations,

connecting past, present and future.

We are the winds of change

that propel humanity forward.

The power of the collective

and the individual

to inspire and transform the world.