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New Moon in Leo
Victoria Bailey
July 29 2022 • Duration: 51 Minutes
We welcome Leo to the stage (Fire sign).

The lions heart, Leo, time to honour our dreams.

This new moon, the start of a new cycle in Leo is the reminder we are safe to explore the dreams of our heart, let our creativity run wild, to feel free even childlike.

The new moon, a fresh start, of new beginnings offers an opportunity to slow down, to reflect + become clear on what we wish to manifest.

Leo is the leader, with unshakeable courage to stand and speak from their values and their truth.

It is saying 'I AM HERE. THIS IS ME.'

Leo energy encourages you to share your magic, your authentic self without being or living in fear of judgement.

Let go and be bold, unapologetically bold!

Leo is the fierce fire sign, masculine energy. Here we will play with the fire + the gentle side of the new moon, the yin and yang. We can be in our power and equally respect those around us + their own opinions, Leo can be over proud + stubborn at times so watch out for this.

We will harness the positive attributes of this Leo Lion, in our moon ritual. Playing with the creativity our mind, our dreams and desires.

All you need is 1 to 5 candles, a journal and pen. Extra sacred objects if you desire + I recommend wearing something which makes you feel comfortable yet magical and confident this time around.