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Full Moon Ritual in Aquarius
Victoria Bailey
August 11 2022 • Duration: 50 Minutes
'Ritual is an opportunity to make our daily lives sacred.
To bring meaning to the mundane and to be conscious of the direction in which we wish to steer our lives...'

Annette Muller

We welcome this Super Full Moon energy to the stage, where Leo and Aquarius meet (fire + air).

Leo invites us to be bold and brave in ourselves speaking our truth and values, its opposed sign Aquarius is all about others and this world, this full moon has the gusto for a global cleansing and healing for the world.

We are going to explore a few things in this air energy sign, to embrace the light inside of us yet clear any attachments which no longer serve.

When the moon is full, we are naturally at our most energised.

This is a Super Full Moon, meaning the moon is closer to Earth, her powers heightened further.

It is a time for us to express ourselves and tap into our power. This ceremony is for you if you need empowerment, to uplift yourself and to feel good in the presence of others.