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New Moon in Virgo
Victoria Bailey
August 26 2022 • Duration: 56 Minutes
We welcome Virgo to the stage, the new moon in Virgo for me represents a fresh start, like we get at the beginning of a new year.

Virgos energy is Earth, your body. Virgo the Virgin Goddess recognises her wholeness with nature, the sacred wisdom and power within. Treating her body + mind like a temple.

The Virgin Goddess treats her body as if it is an extension of nature, following its flow through each season and making wellbeing her top priority.

This New Moon and Virgo Season invites you to find the power of gratitude, there is even more power when we direct this gratitude towards yourself, and become grateful for you.

Time to ground your energy, set out new intentions around your health and wellbeing to form positive habits and rituals.

Time to put your needs first and see how by doing so it ripples out into the world and people around you.

Lets Get Together Under The New Moon

Come join me Friday 26th 7.30pm online for an evening of magic + manifestation and I’ll leave you with this beautiful quote, which is perfect for a Virgo moon!

'Ritual is an opportunity to make our daily lives sacred.
To bring meaning to the mundane and to be conscious of the direction in which we wish to steer our lives...'

Annette Muller

For this you will need some fruit, nuts or veg chopped up.