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New Moon in Libra
Victoria Bailey
September 26 2022 • Duration: 1 Hour
When the moon is dark, the new moon, it is the start of a new Luna cycle and a representation of new beginning. It is a time of introspection, reflection + manifestation.
This ceremony is for you if you need space, clarity and time to just ‘be’ with yourself to refocus or bring balance.
Libra is the only zodiac sign symbolised by a machine, the scales. Libra season and element of air, speaks of bringing balance and harmony to our lives.
'This intellectual air sign helps us grasp the concept of diplomacy teaching us how to compromise.' Sandra Sitron.
Libra season asks us to question how we communicate with others, and can we do so without putting the other person on the defence? It also asks us to look deeper into our lives, relationships and our environment, what part of life could benefit from becoming more in balance or in tune with the core of your values and dreams?
Air is a social and mental element, it is connected to communication, writing, speaking, singing, breathing, aspirations, thoughts and dreams.
In the darkness of this moon energy will with set intentions to bring deeper balance to our lives.

You'll need
A candle
A feather
3x leaves - dried bay leaves works really well or leaves from the garden
Sage/Rosemary or Lavender to burn