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Full Moon Ritual in Aries
Victoria Bailey
October 10 2022 • Duration: 52 Minutes
Where Libra (Air) and Aries (Fire) meet.

The libra energy is inviting us to look to find balance and harmony in our lives.

Using the energy of air, to check in with how we communicate with ourselves and others. Asking how we can we make our days flow with more ease and to remain in a regulated state.

Inviting us to use the sacred vital energy of air (our breath) to breathe deeply and fill our own cup meeting our own needs. (Think putting your own mask on first to save those around us ✈️)

The Aries fire energy of this Hunter Full Moon invites you to seek movement to release like fire flames dancing in the air, burning and destroying what isn’t serving you.

I’ve personally noticed when these big energies and emotions show up and a bubbling waiting to be released, especially around moon energy, I am called by my spirit to move, to run, to dance or exercise to allow for the emotion to raise up within me. To feel it, in order to release it.

This coming moon take note of any choices, attitudes or beliefs that are blocking you from living your most balanced life. What is ready to be released?