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New Moon Ritual in Scorpio
Victoria Bailey
October 24 2022 • Duration: 50 Minutes
New Moon Ritual in Scorpio

As with all new moons it is an opportunity to start again, the birth of a new cycle. To consider what you will do differently this month to be more intentful and live life with purpose or greater balance, to ultimately bring you closer to your dreams and bring them into reality.

Scorpio is a water element and reminds us to be flexible, adaptable and to flow with more ease. Water is healthiest when in motion after all, as are our emotions. When we let our emotions flow through us rather than becoming stuck, causing more pain is dis-ease.

At our last new moon, in Libra it provided the space to consider bringing balance and harmony to ourselves and relationships. Now entering Scorpio we are invited to step up a gear and ask ourselves who do we need to forgive and what do we need to let go to make way for change.

Allowing ourselves to be more flexible and adaptable to situations, rather than battling forwards is it a case of stepping into another shoes first, taking a deep breath, or is it that we need to listen to our hearts and speak out when before we would have remained silent?

This is all what can be explored this new moon, as we go deeper into the autumn towards winter it is a more internal time for inner transformation to happen. To have a safe space to see yourself in more depth, is there fear you need to release in order go on this journey of self discovery, of seeing who you really are and what changes need to be made for you to step up into the life you really desire.

You need space to lie down
A journal and pen
Hot water for the ritual and tea bag