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Observe your pelvis (1)
Victoria Bailey
November 14 2022 • Duration: 1 Hour, 17 Minutes
This practice is designed specifically for women, with a vulva and uterus or womb space (whether the womb is still present or not).
It includes a slower pace asana practice, focusing on breath work which will be your guide to learn + build a deeper connection and support to your pelvis. We also work with your nervous system to help create a whole new, supported, loved, wholesome you!

This practice is specifically for any who
* Pees while they laugh, cough or sneeze or run (even a tiny bit)
* Suffers from prolapse
* Suffers from lower back pain or hip pain
* Suffers from PMS, cramping, irregular cycles
* Has urinary aliments
* Has PCOS or Endometriosis
* Feels disconnected from their divine femininity (perhaps from menopause or through having to power on in this fast past world
* Is a recent mother looking to heal from birth
* Is long standing mother (for decades - yes, it can still be a factor even 30/40 years later)


I am super excited to share this and it is my intention for you to feel more supported and a love and awareness for your womb/pelvis/hips/vulva you never thought you could have at the end of this.

I teach this practice weekly live online or replays are available within my membership info below
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Disclaimer (Please Read Carefully)

I understand I am voluntarily taking part in Victoria Louise's practices online or in person.
If I have concerns I will consult my health practitioner before hand.
I am aware Victoria's practices include Forrest Inspired yoga, a variety of breath + energy work, meditations and movement.
If at any time during the session, I feel discomfort or strain, I will gently come out of the posture.
It is important in yoga, I listen to my body and respect its limits on any given day knowing each day is different.
I take full responsibility for myself during practice online or in person knowing if any injuries occur this is not Victorias fault and I will not hold her liable.

Please note postpartum ladies, please check you have fully healed, and your abdominals have fully closed before taking part.