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Let Go & Empower
Victoria Bailey
November 25 2022 • Duration: 45 Minutes
This practice is around resistance to transitions and the process of change, whether this is resistance to letting go of the past and stepping into the present or letting go of the expectation of what's to come.

The practice is around resistance& letting go to the time of transition and the process of change, this resistance may be about letting go of the past, not accepting the present moment or it maybe that you need to let go of the expectation of what's to come.

It would be awesome if you have a wall near by to play with your positioning and awareness to creating new feelings of some of the postures.

There is a few moments where the signal goes funny, in table top you are performing Micro Twisting Quadruped, then when you come into first down dog where the signal goes a little funny. Walk to the front of your mat, take a forward bend and prepare for sun salutations.