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New Moon Ritual in Capricorn
Victoria Bailey
December 23 2022 • Duration: 1 Hour
As the year comes to a close. Capricorn sets up into the limelight. It's almost time to greet the last new moon of the year, the rebirth of a new lunar cycle around the time of the Winter Solstice.

A celebration in its own rite and reminder that the sun is being reborn, the first festival in the wheel of the year.

The growing season will soon be back upon us 😌 but for now we quietly rest in the dark just a little longer as the days slowly lengthen.

This double re-birth, the representation of new beginnings in a continuous cycle of death and rebirth, this gives us more strength to manifest and power to our intentions.

Under the moon we will look to get clarity on 2023 and how we wish it to unfold. This is more than resolutions this is conscious living and growth to live the desires of our dreams.

Capricorn Earth energy is all around stability, self support and own authority. Looking at how we wish to feel moving into 2023.

You will need

3x Crystals
3x pieces of paper
Journal and Pen
Water (drink at the end, to add to the growth aspect, I forgot to include this in the ritual itself and saw mine afterwards opps)