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Trust In Your Capabilities
Victoria Bailey
January 27 2023 • Duration: 44 Minutes
This week our focus is around trust in ourselves and our capabilities, as the energy around the new year subsides, perhaps the motivation around certain areas has too as maybe we settle back into the 'usual' flow and rhythms of life.

Trust you are exactly where you need to be.

Trust your body has the wisdom you need right now and it is eager to share this with you.

Listen take note.

And if there is any discomfort, say 'I have trust in this body, I believe in my capabilities of healing.' or 'I trust that I can overcome..." finishing this statement accordingly to what os going on in your life right now.

This is your reminder that you are capable of receiving or meeting whatever your needs are, capable of achieving anything you desire so long you take responsibility, accountably and back yourself. Trusting yourself and I am here rooting for you, I'm here supporting to build this trust in your body, your mind and capabilities.