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Full Moon Ritual in Leo
Victoria Bailey
February 6 2023 • Duration: 55 Minutes
Time to FEEL the Magic of The Full Moon.

Express yourself fully like the wild Leo lion! 🦁

The Full Moon in Leo (within Aquarius season) invites us to celebrate ourselves and of our unique magic, and how we share them with the world.

Using this moon time to reflect and witness what needs to be seen, felt and moved through in the space of light.

Leo is couragous, creative and makes their mark. Honour your magic and let no one dim this light.

We are all connected, to each other, the earth, the oceans, the animals and the sky, with the moon, sun and stars. When one shines we all shine.

May we find the joy in movement within our body this Full Moon. Expressing in a way to feel our magic, to how feels good for us.

This is a beauty, I hope you can join me.