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New Moon Meditation and Journaling Ritual in Aries
Victoria Bailey
March 20 2023 • Duration: 52 Minutes
Happy Spring Equinox Beautiful People 🌼

Today we celebrate the balance of day and night, the longer days are returning to us, the return of the sun and the return of Mothers Earths abundance energy is rising from out of the womb of the underground.

March 20-21st, at the same time as the Spring Equinox, the Sun moves into the zodiac sign of Aries. The start of a new astrology year, Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and is known to be the leader, the captain that always figures a path through.

When we feel alone in our struggles, it is the energy of Aries that helps us to find the strength to move through, to know that even though we sometimes have to go at it alone, we have the power and the strength within us in every moment.

This is the reminder we have to take our life into our own hands and become the hero of our own story, to be responsible for our own story.

Where do you need to take ownership of your own life?

This evenings beautiful ritual under the moon, take time to reflect on your needs, your desires and Aries Season offers us the energy that allows you to take your power back, setting intentions, removing the victim mindset and taking ownership of your life.

To celebrate the new astrology year, spring equniox, new moon in aries the marker of a fresh start.

Looking for a way to celebrate join me tonight in ritual beautiful soul. Donation Ritual for the New Moon, New Beginnings, New Astrology Year, Return of the Sun of Earths Abundance.

Have Three Candles
Your Journal and Pen
Any Crystals, Stones, Shells, Seeds, Flowers to create a mandala, your own path, our own creation trusting you know the way.