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Dancing With Your Nervous System
Victoria Bailey
April 21 2023 • Duration: 45 Minutes
As we welcome Taurus season. I am using this as inspiration for our next few weeks of intention.

Taurus is the sensual earth sign and pulls us into the pleasure of our senses. The delights in our life. Think: Skin warmed by the sun. Feet in the lush grass. A warm cup of delicate tea on the table. Deeper into our physical nature, Taurus also reminds us that we require a stable foundation from which to build on.

This is where we begin, building an awareness and appreciation for our foundation. Our feet and our hands. They do so much for us, they support us, time to pay attention and give love back.

How we press into the earth, how when we use them for purpose other parts of our body can become free and at ease too.