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Autumn Equinox - Playing With Stillness + Movement
Victoria Bailey
September 22 2023 • Duration: 47 Minutes
As the world around us begins to transition into the golden hues of autumn, nature gently reminds us of the importance of balance. Just like the changing seasons, our lives too go through cycles of movement and stillness, effort and ease, and the active energy of creation and the serene surrender of letting go.

For this practice have a cushion, block and wall space handy.

Remember that, like nature itself, your life is a beautiful balance of stillness and movement, effort and ease, and the interplay of active energy and surrender. Embrace this flow of balance, for it is in this delicate dance that we find harmony with the world around us.

🍁 The Shift of the Wheel: The autumn equinox marks the moment when day and night are in perfect balance. Take a moment to reflect on the changing season and the shifting wheel of your own life. Just as the leaves fall from trees, what can you release to make space for new growth? And, in the stillness of the season, what can you nurture and cherish?