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Capricorn Full Moon Ritual 2024
Victoria Bailey
July 22 2024 • Duration: 60 Minutes
Capricorn, the determined and disciplined sea-goat, meets Cancer, the nurturing and intuitive crab. This full moon harmonises ambition with emotional depth, responsibility with sensitivity, and practicality with intuition.

What can you expect from this moon is a powerful blend of clarity and emotional insight. To witness the need to balance hard work with responsibility for your emotional needs.

Opportunities to restructure matters within the home from a place of love and nourishment.Embrace this energy by setting clear, achievable goals while being compassionate with yourself. By taking practical steps towards your dreams while honouring your emotional needs and look for all opportunities to express gratitude.

For the ritual you can keep it simple and have your journal and pen handy some candles, something to burn like rosemary or lavender.

You may to have to hand for our ritual other gifts from the earth like herbs (from a teabag will work), a crystal or stone and please have a small bowl of water.