About Wild Tide Yoga

I'm Aimée, and I'm a qualified seasonal yoga teacher with a passion for bringing the wisdom and teachings of yoga off the mat and into our everyday, busy lives. I believe that yoga is for everybody, regardless of age, ability or how easily you can touch your toes - and that yoga has the potential to bring about positive changes both in our physical health but in also in the way we think and feel.

I feel very lucky to have been introduced to yoga in my teens by my amazing Mum, and have been practicing since then. I had ten years of practicing mostly Ashtanga yoga which is a very fiery and energetic practice and I feel this gave me a very strong foundation in my understanding of the postures and building strength in my own body. I later discovered the wonders of Kundalini yoga and was very drawn to the energetic aspects of this practice, and noticed how powerful the practice was at changing my state of mind. After having children I found my body had changed a lot and my energy levels were much lower. I found my wonderful teacher Marit Akintewe who introduced me to the amazing practice of seasonal yoga, qi gong and chakra work.

One of the things I love most about Seasonal yoga is the connection to the changing energies in nature and how best to manage our energy at each part of the year. The practice combines yoga postures (asana) and breath practice (pranayama) with elemental theory, traditional chinese medicine and energetic aspects such as Qi Gong and chakra work.

I'm also a qualified pre and post natal yoga teacher and have a passion for helping woman to embrace their strength and the natural wisdom of their body through yoga. Yoga is such a wonderful gift during pregnancy and those early months of motherhood - when exhaustion, aches and pains and anxiety can often be part of our daily landscape. Our pre and post natal classes are a haven of calm and are specially designed to nurture you throughout pregnancy and once you become a mother.

I have experienced first hand the hugely transformative power of yoga in my own life and feel very grateful to all my teachers and to the lineage of yoga. I look forward to practicing with you!