Nourishing the Sacral Chakra in Menopause & Beyond with Kay
Saturday, September 21 • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
1900 Mt. Vernon Ave.
Liat Pisco
Midlife Bloom
-Nourishing the Sacral Chakra in Menopause & Beyond
with Kay Sidahmed, PhD, MS – Clinical Herbalist, RYT-500

A two-hour workshop of community & explorations:
-      Embodiment practices for sacral chakra connection – yoga, sound, healing hands
(self), meditation
-      Herbal and holistic support for the sacral chakra – including vaginal dryness,
painful sex, libido, mood
-      Attuning to a new rhythm when our cycles have ceased - dream & vision work

The sacral chakra is one of seven major energy centers that are imagined along the
spine within the ancient chakra system. Located in the area of the lower abdomen, it is
connected to our sexual organs on the physical level, and fosters our sense of creativity,
passion, abundance, and self-sovereignty on the emotional and spiritual level.
Menopause as a monumental transformational event, affects us equally on the
physical, mental-emotional, and spiritual realm. Tending to our sacral chakra is one of
the many tools available to support us navigating the discomforts and challenges, as
well as embracing the opportunities of this significant time of change.
This two-hour workshop will be a communal exploration of a variety of modalities
including embodiment practices, herbal educational components, as well as journaling
and vision work:
- Gentle yogic movements, breathwork & chanting as sound healing to open,
connect, and activate our sacral chakra.
- Harnessing the healing power of our own hands by learning to place them with
intention and direct supportive energy to the sacral chakra area. Each
participants takes home a small bottle of massage oil custom-crafted for this
- Learning about herbal allies and methods to support challenges like vaginal
dryness, painful sex, and low libido & mood.
- Tapping into our creativity with guided journaling and vision work.

Clinical Herbalist Kay Sidahmed, former Ease Yoga student & teacher, is founder and owner of Cura
Viriditas, a clinical herbal practice, offering individual and group consultations as well as classes and
workshops. In her work Kay simultaneously draws from the findings and tools of modern science as well
as traditional herbal healing knowledge and wisdom from around the world. Her work focuses largely on
menopause and cancer support, and she is passionate about bringing people together and creating
communal and inclusive spaces of learning and exploration.

10 Participants
Cost $55
Monthly Members $50(email to receive discount)

*There are no refunds for missed/canceled classes