Integral Wake Up cover with Tarin

Wednesday, May 29 • 7:00 AM - 8:10 AM
Heathcote & Star, 344 Grove Green Road, Green Grove Room
Tarin Heaton-Heather


The session includes the practices of asana (yoga postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), and meditation to develop physical and mental stillness. The goal of Integral yoga is to become aware of the (non-dogmatic) Divine, to integrate the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of ourselves, and to manifest the Divine on earth.

According to Sri Aurobindo, all life is Yoga, while Yoga as a sadhana (disciplined and dedicated practice or learning) is a methodised effort towards self-perfection, which brings to expression the latent, hidden potentialities of being. Success in this effort unifies the human individual with the universal and transcendental Existence. Integral yoga reunites "the infinite in the finite, the timeless in the temporal and the transcendent with the immanent.