Hatha Flow
Tuesday, January 2 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Heathcote & Star, 344 Grove Green Road, Green Grove Room
Tarin Heaton-Heather
This session is a complete nourishment for body, mind & spirit. Hatha yoga is slightly slower paced, staying in positions longer which make us have time to feel the different dynamics in the posture, find good alignment & tune into the breath. Hatha Yoga is a Grounding practice and is proven to reduce stress & anxiety.

Ebba studied classical Hatha Kriya Yoga in India, close to the Himalaya mountains 🏔️ 2012. Since then she explored many different modalities of yoga & healing.

We keeping the backbone of this class traditional Hatha yoga, simple but powerful but with some extra room for divine expression.

- PRANAYAMA (breathing) Learn different breathing techniques to balance nervous system & enhance your vital life force energy (prana)
- SUN-SALUTATIONS increase circulation of Prana & warm Up Your body.
- DEEP SLOW HATHA FLOW Often we weave in a philosophy and have time to go deeper into the poses.
- GROUNDING STRETCH Unwind & stretch out.
- RELAXING CRYSTAL SOUNDBATH Complete Restoration & Integration
- MANTRA 🕉️ Vibrate into a higher state of consciousness.