The New Year is the perfect time to launch beginner yoga courses, introductory workshops, and offer discounts to encourage new students into your classes. Start planning now!
During my professional journey, I found solace in books. So today I would like to talk about the books that have helped me shape myself as a yoga teacher.
Yoga teachers are always learning — but learning skills that aren’t strictly yoga can improve and enrich your classes.
Starting a business is rough. Mostly because it will cost a lot and we’ll never know for sure if it will pay off. Nowadays, as yoga teachers we can essentially start our career off without breaking the bank.
A simple and balanced approach to yoga studio software.
In this article, you’ll find a short explanation on how our nervous systems work and why it’s important to rest if we want to avoid yoga teacher burnout
How yoga teachers can use Ayurveda to support themselves during a busy season of teaching and change.
In this article, I want to share the work method of an online marketer. And how they have received 272 new requests for their studio in the last 3 months.
When I began teaching at a studio, I decided to dive in and take any opportunity I was given. So I agreed to teach Children’s Yoga. I wasn’t certified in Children’s Yoga, but hey, how hard could it be?
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