The basics of using Momoyoga

Did you ever ask yourself how best to use Momoyoga? Our founder Ingo will guide you around in a handful of instruction videos to get you up to speed on Momoyoga's best practices.

Welcome to Momoyoga

Step 1: Adding pricing options

Step 2: Adding classes

Step 3: Setting up a payment system

Step 4: Adding yogis

Step 5: Adding a liability waiver

Step 6: Customising your email settings

Step 7: Organising your first event

Step 8: Creating your contact and teacher view pages

Step 9: Adding videos

Step 10: Tracking and editing your orders

Step 11: Setting up Mailchimp to send beautifully branded emails

Step 12: Setting up your waitlist and cancellation terms

Want to learn more about how to onboard your yogis?

We've added 5 short video tutorials to help you and your yogis to get started with Momoyoga. 

Check the tutorials for teachers and yogis

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14-day trial. No strings attached.