Inana Maya Kosha (Mixed Level)
Hannelore MoebiusMarch 3 2023 • Duration: 1 Hour, 7 Minutes
The Inana Maya Kosha is the sheath of knowledge and self-identity, our personal awareness, connected to the heart center. It is often incorporated into the Vijnana Maya Kosha, bringing our heart and mind together. Deep breaths with Kapota Mudra, Breath of Joy, sss/ksh- standing stretch, Toe-press and toe-spread, Joint-openers from feet up to head, Affirmations come from the heart, expressed by the throat, visualized by the third eye. Moon-Salutation, Triangle-variations, Shoulderstand, Fish, Knee-down-twist. Relaxation. Shortened Metta Bhavana Meditation with Kapota Mudra.