"Sacred Instructions" by Sherri Mitchell | Mindful Book Group (free/donation) | 1:00 pm EST/10:00 am PST
Friday, December 29 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Community Led Program
Community-Led Program means that facilitation rotates between group or class members.
Our book for Fall 2023 is "Sacred Instructions: Indigenous Wisdom for Living Spirit-Based Change " by Sherri Mitchell

Meets 2nd and 4th Fridays
Our goal for the Mindful Book Group is to embrace mindfulness practices in all areas of our lives. All the books that are chosen for our group are either from teachers of mindfulness or otherwise rooted in mindfulness practices.

Fee: By Donation or Monthly Membership
You will receive an email after the class that will indicate you can pay what you like.

More information at the Mindful Book Group website, see link below