Loving Kindness and Equanimity | Election Meditation Series Week 3 | 10/21/24 Free
Deb Phelps
October 21 2024 • Duration: 23 Minutes
Today, we're combining two important themes: extending kindness to others and cultivating stability within ourselves.

o As we approach Election Day, it's easy to become reactive to opposing views, leading to frustration or anger. By practicing loving-kindness toward others, we soften our hearts and create space for understanding and empathy, even toward those we disagree with.

o We’ll also explore equanimity—a sense of inner stability that allows us to remain balanced and steady, regardless of external circumstances.

Phrases of loving-kindness, such as:
o ‘May you be happy.’
o ‘May you be healthy.’
o ‘May you be safe.’
o ‘May you be at peace.’

Equanimity Phrases:
o ‘May I be steady, no matter what arises.’
o ‘May I remain calm in the face of change.’
o ‘May I find peace within, regardless of circumstances.’