Yoga Nidra: Warmth of Awareness
Sunday, January 19 •
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
As we emerge from the darkest day of the year into the sun's returning light, let us connect with the warmth that arises, like the sun, from turning our awareness inward. We will invite Nidra Shakti to guide us into deep rest with a spacious Yoga Nidra and Sound practice themed around sensational awareness. Yoga Nidra is a meditative practice with limited movement- bring whatever you need to be comfortable resting on the floor and we recommend wearing layers and cozy socks to adjust your body temperature as needed. Yoga mats, blocks, and bolsters will be available.
Special Guest Facilitator Michelle is a Reiki Master Teacher, Yoga Nidra Teacher, Grief Educator, and Death Literacy Specialist. She is a weaver of sound, words, space, and time. Her passion is creating spaces for rest, renewal, and restorying for individuals and communities. For more of her work, visit
This class accepts any regular class passes or is available by sliding scale donation, $0-15 no questions asked.