Trataka and Yoga for focus
Adrianne @ Indyoga4 June 2022 • Duration: 50 Minutes
50 min Trataka Meditation and Standing balance video
Please have a candle bolster/pillow, strap and blocks nearby.
This sequence is for focus! To bring attention to the Third eye, Ajna chakra, and working to a single point of gaze in meditation we introduce Trataka, candlelight gazing.
The postures in this practice are suitable for all levels, but with any practice please take it as you come to your mat on the day and know your own experience and level as well as respecting injuries and medical conditions. Making modifications as you need to.
🎯Sun salutations to get the body moving and synced with the breath
🎯Standing balances to offer strength from focus
🎯Reclined and seated postures for release and stretching
🎯An inversion which you can always modify by leaving the legs down!