Journey Through The Chakras Free

Adrianne @ Indyoga

4 June 2022 • Duration: 2 Minutes

This video shows a range of Yoga postures that clear, balance and restore the Chakra System.

The Chakra System is a complex network of energy channels and is mapped throughout the whole body, much like a spiritual nervous system. Chakras have the responsibility of absorbing, incorporating and emanating energy to keep us functioning at optimal levels.

We begin at the root and continue to the crown of the head...

1. Muladhara/Root - Garudasana (Eagle Pose) in to Virabhadrasana 3 (Warrior 3)
2. Svadhisthana/Sacral - Bakasana (Crow Pose)
3. Manipura/Solar Plexus - Virabhadrasana 1 (Warrior 1) in to Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana (Standing splits)
4. Anahata/Heart - Natarajasana (Dancers Pose)
5. Vishuddha/Throat - Salabasana (Locust)
6. Ajna/Third Eye - Svarga Dvijasana (Bird of Paradise)
7. Sahasrara/Crown - Sirsasana (Headstand)