Heart Centered Kneeling Salutations - for the whole body to move, to flow and find kindness for you Free

Adrianne @ Indyoga

31 January 2023 • Duration: 27 Minutes

These soft and smooth kneeling sun salutations are a good start to your day or at the end of a busy day for easing through all the joints of the body without too much use of energy or stamina. There are options throughout to modify. A releasing sequence for the neck, shoulders, spine, hips, knees and ankles, it covers the entire body for an all over tune up.

Whilst this sequence can be modified, allow the breath to guide you from pose to pose. As the name suggests they are kneeling salutations, a lot of time is spent on the knees and transitioning from pose to pose in a kneeling flow. For this reason I would suggest using additional padding under the knee caps or to know when to come off the knees for a rest.

If you have knee injuries this may not be for you, but I'll let you make the choice if you need knee mobility. Please have a couple of blocks handy if you should need them.