Tadasana (Mountain Pose) Tutorial - A beginners standing asana for grounding and balance Free
Adrianne @ Indyoga12 March 2023 • Duration: 11 Minutes
One of the very first postures you will most likely learn in a Yoga class and one that can really improve your other standing balances if practiced well is Tadasana or Mountain Pose.
Tada - meaning mountain, asana meaning seat or posture. This posture calms and centers your body and mind, which help create a sense of groundedness and inner peace. Maintaining alignment and body awareness, you begin to find steadiness as you find the posture easier as you practice it more regularly.
Benefits include:
- Improved posture, alignment and balance
- Strengthens lower abdominals, thighs, ankles and feet
- Calms the mind
- Steadies the breath
- Improves clarity and focus
No props are needed for this tutorial.