Yoga Props and how to use them in your practice - bolster, block, strap, wheel and chair Free

Adrianne @ Indyoga

30 September 2023 • Duration: 19 Minutes

A 20min tutorial sharing various props and how to use them for 'Proptober' in our classes. Please don't be afraid to use props when you need them or even if you don't need them. They build confidence and fill the space between you and the ground as well as between hands and feet.

Using props is not cheating your practice, it is not a sign of weakness, using props can actually deepen your practice because you aren't struggling or fighting with a posture, it makes it more accessible so you can work with it in comfort. Begin to see props as your friends, as we all need a little help from our friends, right?

Props that you may consider using in your yoga practice are:

- 2 x Bricks (blocks) or thick hardback books
- Thinner blocks/Yoga wedge or thinner hardback books
- Yoga belt/towel or or non-stretchy belt
- Bolster or thick cushion/pillow
- Yoga Wheel
- Dining Chair with a back and no arms
- Inversion chair for inversion practice