Yoga Nidra for Grieving and Loss - a time to release grief, begin to heal and trust our emotions Free
Adrianne @ Indyoga3 October 2023 • Duration: 32 Minutes
At a time when sadness may consume you, this 30min Yoga Nidra may be one small way to approach acceptance of your own grief, let it out and to release deep suffering and pain of your personal loss at this time.
Please take time for yourself for this Yoga Nidra, in a darkened, warm, quiet, comfortable room for just half an hour. Using props as you need to support and hold the body, such as a bolster or pillow under the knees, a blanket to keep warm and a pillow or cushion under the head.
This Nidra may bring up deep emotions, including your tears and this is your way of succumbing to the full practice of letting go for a short period of rest and deep relaxation to bring healing to your mind and body through Yogic sleep and meditation.
I recorded this at a time of personal loss when my cousin Paul passed away from a painful long term illness; at a time when a dear student had suffered a possible miscarriage and I was also beginning to cope with future grief when Indy, my cat of 16yrs, was close to the end of life.
I share this Nidra with healing, love, kindness and deepest condolences for your own loss and what you are experiencing, and please let me know in the comments if this meditation helps ease your suffering in any way.
This Yoga Nidra was written and shared publicly by Nya Patrinos of Art Yoga Fusion in California. I expect no monetary return from recording this Nidra and I thank Nya for creating such a beautiful meditation. Please visit;