70min Fun Yoga Flow for the hips - bringing a fun, lightheartedness and a smile with new postures Free

Adrianne @ Indyoga

22 November 2023 • Duration: 1 Hour, 11 Minutes

A full length 70 min Vinyasa Flow practice that focuses on a smile and a fun approach when we come to the mat. Letting go of the seriousness and the frustration when faced with diversity and challenge with new or complex postures. But to have a go and see where they take you! Enjoy the journey and have fun at the same time.

This practice introduces us to Crawling and Bound Lizard, to Bear, Flying bear and Happy Bear as well as Baby Grasshopper and Semi Kneeling Praying Mantis to name just a few of the 'Newvember' Postures we tried for fun.

Blocks and bolsters can be handy for this practice to help you out and take it at your own pace, choosing modifications as you need.