60min Hatha Yoga sequence - including 24 postures for the hips and spine Free

Adrianne @ Indyoga

13 January 2024 • Duration: 57 Minutes

A 60min Hatha Yoga sequence introducing 24 postures for '24! Primarily a sequence for the hips, legs and spine, this will work your whole body and increase flexibility, strength and confidence. Please have blocks or bolsters nearby should you need them and modify where you need to in the practice.


1. Supported Fish
2. Childs pose
3. Puppy Pose
4. Forearm plank
5. Sphinx
6. Half frog
7. Half bow
8. Bow
9. Lizard
10. Half Monkey
11. Tadpole
12. Tadpole toe squat
13. Standing forward fold
14. Malasana
15. Crow
16. Downward facing dog
17. Upward salute
18. Tree
19. Dancer
20. Warrior 2
21. Side angle with bind
22. Pigeon
23. Frog
24. Reclined twist